Saturday, July 01, 2006

Day 9: What Makes God Smile?

To make God smile is the goal of our life. It's not really an easy thing to comprehend, the God of the universe, so powerful and strong, mighty and awesome could smile? At us? When we are only made of dust?

God Smiles...

When We Love Him
Yes, God loved us so much that He created us to love Him back...whoa...gotta get your head around that fact. We are talking about the supreme God who made all things, the simplest thing that can make Him smile is that we love Him back? Yes, He longs for your attention and love. Amazing isn't it?

When We Trust Him Completely
When you love someone, you trust him/her completely and trusting God is also an act of worship. Noah is one example of a man who loved and trust God completely, it took Noah 120 years to build that ark in the middle of desert which never ever saw rain before. Now that is trust!

When We Obey Him Wholeheartedly
You know, there isn't such a thing as partial obedience, it really is disobedience. Most of the times God gives us instructions that are just so out of this world and defies logic and rationalism, but that's how faith works. If you can see and know something's going to work out, that doesn't take faith at all, so when we truly obey God we are also building our faith in Him!

When We Praise And Thank Him Continually
It's always nice to receive compliments from people, edifying when people encourage you. It's the same with God, He loves our praises and worship to Him, He loves it when we express our adoration and gratitude to Him.

Which parent wouldn't love to receive a Love You note, Father/Mother's Day card or handmade gift from their children? I haven't been there but I think I would be thrilled and touched if my kids were to show their love and appreciation for me! So what more we should do that for our Father in Heaven?

When We Use Our Abilities
God loves watching us doing what we are designed and created to do and not just doing 'spiritual' things. Our daily lives when lived primarily as worship to God will please Him tremendously! All we have to do is just keep God in mind and remember that whatever we are doing is for God. That extends to the normally routine stuff like doing your laundry, cooking, eating, sleeping, having fun. Really, just using our gifts and may be gifted with music, great in maths, amazingly articulate, meticulous in planning, whatever! Just live your life for God! Be yourself!

Glen Berteau said something really good: "We were all born originals, don't die a copy"

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