Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Day 12: Developing Your Friendship with God

I'm SO sorry we've been missing for awhile! We'll be back on track! =)

After knowing that God WANTS to be OUR best friend and we can be His when we have constant conversations and continual meditations with Him, we now need to learn how to develop our friendship with the Creator in a deeper way.

We are as close to God as we choose to be. It doesn't happen by accident, it takes desire, time and energy. Like any other friendships and relationships, we need to:

1. Choose to be honest with God.
We need to be completely honest with God, about our faults and feelings. I often feel frustrated and angry at situations and certain things in my life, and He, God of ALL, wants to know about it! He encourages me to express myself and just rant everything out on Him! Likewise, there are many examples in the Bible like Abraham, David, Job and many others who shared with God honestly - they complained, accused, vent bitterness etc etc! Genuine friendship is built on disclosure - He really wants us to be honest with Him, sharing our TRUE feelings, not what we think we ought to say or feel.

2. Choose to obey God in faith.
Everytime we trust God's wisdom and do whatever He says, even when we dont understand, we deepen our friendship with God. Jesus modelled this kind of relationship with His Father - He did whatever the Father asked Him to do - out of love, out of obedience. He treasures the simple and 'small' things we do for Him when we do it out of loving obedience - telling the truth, being kind, encouraging others etc!

3. Choose to value what God values.
Friends care about what is important to the other person. The closer we get to God, the more we will care about the things he cares about, grieve over the things He grieves over, and rejoice over the things that bring Him pleasure. The dearest thing to the heart of God is the death of His Son. The second dearest is when His children share that news with others. Are we caring about all the people around us whom God cares about? Are we telling our friends about God? Because those are the things that are dear to Him.

4. Desire friendship with God more than anything else.
We are as chose to God as we choose to be. We need to intentionally seek it. God told the captives in Babylon, "When you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, i'll make sure you won't be disappointed." Today, He's telling us that too.

Friendship with God is the only relationship that will last forever. It is the most important thing in life - and we don't want to miss that, do we? Remember, its our choice.

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