Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Day 15: Formed For God's Family

I've been really off track on this Purpose Driven Life. This is really bad, what was supposed to be 40 days now seem like would be taking 40 weeks! Kids, don't do this at home! Anyways...

Ever wondered why God made us? Think about it, He is the God of the universe, He created all things, He is all powerful, He sets the stars in the sky and knows them by name. Why would such an almighty Being even bothers with us?

That's because God is love and He treasures relationships! The Trinity is a relationship, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amazing revelation! He doesn't need a family, He already has one within Himself but yet He desires one. So He made us.

When we give God our lives, we become part of His family and being in the family and running the family business has some real perks! We get a priceless and eternal inheritance already stored up for us in Heaven, this is the real reward we should be looking forward to, not earthly possesions.

When we are part of a family, we have family pride; members of the family are not ashamed of their families and will take public steps to identify themselves! Baptism is our step to declare that we are part of God's family, a step not optional and not to be delayed. When I got baptised myself, it was an amazing experience! I've never felt so at peace and so loved, just couldn't help but seeing God smiling down on me saying "I love you my son!"

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