Thursday, June 22, 2006

Day 7: The Reason For Everything

God is the reason for everything. The ultimate goal of the universe is to demonstrate God's glory. Does that sound like an egoistical God? Well, I guess if you were to create every single thing that exists, you should get some credit for it no?

We are here to glorify God, nothing else. Does that sound too narrow minded? No, I don't think so. Worship is not just singing songs and praises but worship is a lifestyle of enjoying God!

So how do we bring glory to God?

"Give yourselves completely to God since you have been given new life. And use your whole body as a tool to do what is right for the glory of God." - Ro 6:13b (NLT)

1. Loving Other Believers
It is our responsibility to love others as God does, and since God is love, it honours Him when we love one another.

2. By Becoming Like Christ
God wants us to grow in spiritual maturity, the more we develop a Christlike character, the more we will bring glory to God. Since we've been given new life, would it make sense for us to be aimless in the new life? If so, what's the point? That's why we can't stand still, we have to dig deep into God in prayer, Word, worship...just being hungry for Him and letting Him work in our lives.

3. Serving Others With Our Gifts
Our gifts are not ours and it's not for us. It's on loan by God for us to steward and use to serve others! Not to glorify or serve our own selfish pursuits! Believe it or not, other people's gifts were meant to serve us! So start developing your talents and giftings and start serving God!

4. Telling Others About Him
If you found a good eating place, or a good sale, you won't keep it to yourself right? You'd want to tell and rave to everyone about it right? You know how some people would benefit from some products. If we can be so enthusiastic about evangelising such things, why can't we do so for the God of the universe? The One who created all things and having a perfect plan for you?

So, what is your choice? Are you willing to take that step of faith to live to glorify God? If you do, you'll need to be ready to make a huge shift in your priorities, your lifestyle, your relationships. It means taking the hard way instead of the easy one. But the hard way has it's abundance of perks...including a seal of approval from the Master! :) I know my choice!

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