Monday, June 19, 2006

Day 5: Seeing Life From God's View

How do you describe your life?

A pivotal question you'll have to ask yourself. How do you view your life? Is your life a race, battle, marathon? Simply put, what metaphor you use to describe your life would determine your values in life.

If you say life is a race, you'll want speed in everything. If you say life's a battle, you'll want to win and be victorious. If you say life is a marathon, you'll value endurance.

How does God view our lives here as?

It's a TEST!

Wow...that's something we've never thought of? I never really thought of life as being a test, as a proving ground before moving on to eternity! God continually tests us our character, faith, obedience, love, integrity and loyalty. Many great men and women of God have failed their tests, Adam and Eve failed in the Garden of Eden, David a couple of times...there are also many who passed their tests with flying colours! Joseph, Job, Ruth, Esther.

Once we start living in the revelation that everything in life is a test, you'll start to understand the implications our actions will have in eternity. Eternity is a long time by the way. God constantly watches your every single move, how you respond to people, the traffic, the weather, situations, everything!

One of the ways God can test us is with major shifts in our lives, delayed promises, impossible problems, unanswered prayers and even sometimes hiding His presence from us!

I've personally experienced that before and it's certainly no fun but it's a test of my faith and I think I only got a Pass for that, but am glad He did as I know how important it is to continue seeking Him, reading His Word, praying and worshipping eventhough things may look bleak and impossible! If you have been feeling dry and like bones, it may be a sign that you have been neglecting spending time with God rather than Him really hiding Himself.

How else does God view our lives here as?

It's a TRUST!

Everything we have belongs to God, like it or not. It's true, all our gifts, our belongings, our job, our relationships, everything belongs to God! He was the one who entrusted all these things to us for us to care and steward. Everything we have are merely on loan from God.

One famous parable of Jesus is the parable of the talents. If we took good stewardship of everything God gave us...we will be amply rewarded and praised on His return.

"Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" - Mt 25:23

It's another revelation that would change your life, imagine that? God trusts us so much to actually put us in charge of so many things! But be warned, with many things in hand, many things are expected from you as well, so be quick and start seeking God to reveal the hidden talents and giftings in you and develop them to serve Him! He'll certainly show it to you...just ASK!

1 comment:

p_ewe said...

wow.. just knowing that life is a test is helping me understand and go thru my situations now with perserverance. And guess what? The night i actually did this part, i went to bed having joy and thanking God in my heart that i'm able to go thru this phase with pure joy, knowing that HE's moulding me to be the person He's wanting me to be! woohoo