Monday, February 15, 2010

Rejoice that...

Xin Nian Kuai Le! (er, sorry no Ang Pow emoticon)

Having fun still being unmarried and hence able to collect Ang Pows? :D Okay more than that, it's good to be able to catch up with relatives. Though I have to admit conversation is limited when I can't converse in Mandarin nor any dialect :P

Continuing with last week's email...what does the cross mean to me?

Just recently, I found myself getting cross (and trying not to show it/no pun intended -_-) with a friend for a particular reason. Awhile after the incident, I thought,

Anytime I find myself cross, offended, proud, hurt or such, I find that it is because I am not rejoicing in my salvation. Because if I truly know that Jesus Christ has died and risen to give me life, and I am truly grateful and rejoicing in it, why would all those petty things matter? In light of what Jesus has done for me, other things just... don't matter.

I choose to not let those things matter; I choose not to let any bad thing "clog" me up.

Luke 10:20 writes, "... however, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." Yes fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ; even when things are not the brightest or smooth-sailing around us, we still have a reason to rejoice - we have salvation in Jesus Christ.


PRAYER HIGHLIGHT: Pray for yourselves! And your fellow OCFers, cos most of us will be heading back within the next week or two; journey mercies and a heart that resolve to honour God and make the best of the next one year in Melbourne is very important! Also, let's pray for a revelation of the cross in our lives (:

God bless, praying for you all,
Faith (:

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