Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Deep and wide

Hey champions!

Some more mid-week thoughts coming your way! =) are we all surviving through our uni work and studies? NO! coz i believe that God did not redeem us merely to be survivors, but to be MORE THAN CONQUERORS. conquering our tutes, assignments, difficult mates, rotten circumstances, anything and everything! -Romans 8


Dear Father,
Into our lives and into our hearts once again.
In the midst of emptiness, surround us with Your presence.
In our moment of fear, embrace us with Your love.
In our moment of our weakness, reach out with Your grace.
This amazing grace that flows from Your nailed hands,
the grace that brings us home someday.
We love You Lord Jesus.



Prayer Wednesdays (1-2pm, Piano Rooms)
One day in the house of God is better than a thousand days elsewhere! Amen? Let's spare this ONE HOUR to come together, worship, and pray. We pray souls and salvations in. We pray love and grace out. =)

AGM/Commissioning on Friday (7pm)
Awesome general meeting! =) Come and be blessed! We have a GUEST SPEAKER - Ps Misso - who God is ready to use to move our hearts! And we're gonna commission and anoint the new committee of 2010. Be part of it, run with us! (Plus, rmb what Daryl said - if we don't have 75% attendance, we have to do it all over again!) So we would love to see you there! =)

17 days to E-NIGHT!! Wooo hoo!
Ring the bells, invite them in! E-night starts here, right now, it starts with YOU. Don't hog those flyers we've got.. Give them to your friends till we run out! =) Start praying for your friends to meet God that day, and start praying for God to sweep over that place! Whoa. How amazing would that be?
Fundraising : Cookies, kaya, krispy kremes - all going for grabs!

Darwin Missions Trip
Come on Friday - the Darwin team has something *special* for each one of you! =)
Be a blessing : Sponsor a plaque for a child for $5.
Be a double blessing : Fill up our box! - Sports equipments, girl accessories, anything! Bring them along kay.


Last words - stay with your faith, guys. Run the race, and just love Jesus. if there's one thing i'm learning, it's that He ALWAYS comes through for us, no matter what. See, His hands are SO HUGE that even when we run the furthest away from Him, He is still holding us in the palm of His hands. no escape! isn't that comforting? =)

Love you people,
and stay awesome for our awesome God,
Ivie =)

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