Monday, April 19, 2010

Good morning citizens of OCF Clayton

Good morning citizens of OCF Clayton.

The weather forecast for this week is sunny with a moderate temperature of mid-20s in the day. With the sun coming up, gloominess and lethargy should disappear soon enough. Thus waking up early for classes and being on time shouldn't be a problem to all university students.

To all citizens, lament not of your assignments, exams, classes and placements. But rather take delight that at such a time as this, we can draw strength from God and boast that He is the one who is good and faithful. Prayer and reading of His word are highly recommended to be adopted as secondary nature of every citizen to fight everyday life's challenges. Thus comes this week's highlights which are designed to encourage you to adopt these habits.

1. Prayer meeting (wed, 2-3pm @ music room 1): A time of refreshing and renewing right in the middle of the week. How awesome is that!

2. OCF Friday (friday, 7-11pm @ rotunda R3): We will be engaging with the life of Daniel. Come and be inspired!

In case of emergency, do not feel hesitant to contact any of your cell leaders or the committee members. They are more than happy to assist you in any way they are capable of. Remember, all work and no play makes you boring. So have fun and don't forget that we can do impossible things through Christ who gives us strength.

Hence, this ends the morning news.
Jared Yeoh, signing out.

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