Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 13: We made it!

Hey champions!

Week 13 here! WHOA! Who would've thought we've made it this far? =) Just as many have shared during T-time, it's really truly only by God's grace that we're here. Rmb that God does not destine for us to waddle around on the ground with chickens, but to SOAR on wings of eagles with Him - way up above storms and circumstances. So let's do just that - together! =)


As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"i'm with you"
As Your mercy falls
I'll raise my hands
And praise the God who gives and takes away

I'll praise You in this storm
and i will lift my hands
You are who You are
No matter where i am

-Casting Crowns-



TUESDAY - RETURNEES GET-TOGETHER (7.30pm, Tuesday, Faith's home @ 6 Browns Rd)
Who is a returnee? If you are graduating or going home at the end of this year, YOU are a returnee! This get-together is to help you in some ways to prepare for life after uni. The highlighted topics that we'll be discussing are RELATIONSHIPS, CHURCH LIFE, WORKING LIFE, and more! We'll also have a special appearance by ex-OCFers like Mr & Mrs Eng. Please contact Hwei Ming at 0430595986 for more details.

WEDNESDAY - PRAYER (12-1pm, Piano Rooms)
Take note of the new time slot - it's at 12pm now! A family that prays together, stays together. So come, let's knock on heaven's door - cuz hey my God is mighty to save, and so is yours! =)

FINAL OCF FRIDAY of 2009 (FREE DINNER at 7pm, Prayer at 6.20pm)
Awww it's our last meeting together for the year!! *emo* We have something special this week - our E-night and Missions Celebration, as well as an awesome Guest Speaker for the night!! Please don't let anything get in the way of you coming, it will be AWESOME because we have an awesome God! A night of thanksgiving, celebration and sharing of life and joy - with God and with you! =)

Do rmb to send in your exam timetables to your cell leaders so that we can pray for you and with you during your exams! =)
Also rmb the E-night follow up slips we handed out on Friday - pass them on to your friends and get their exam timetables too, if possible. Pass them to your cell leaders or email


Have a great week ahead, and may His grace cover you! =) In all things, let's keep growing in love with Jesus - deeper and deeper each day..

Stay awesome
for our awesome God,
Ivie =)

"I lift my eyes up to the hills, where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord - the Maker of heaven and earth."
Psalm 121

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