Wednesday, August 26, 2009

week 6 y'all!!!

Hello there fellow OCF-ers!! It's week 6 and I don't know about you, but I'm mighty excited cos we're almost half way through the semester! Time flies =D Uber fast.

Anyway, I'm guessing most of us are fussing over mid-semester tests and assignments now (and for the next few weeks to come!) but let us lay down every worry, every doubt, every assignment, every test before Him who cares for us.

Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
they will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

That is God's promise to us and we can be sure that He will keep to it. So cheer up and be encouraged!!

This week in OCF *drum roll*

Bible Study #3
Yup, we'll be continuing our study on the book of Ephesians so do come prepared and expectant! Oh and of course, don't forget that we have prayer at 6.20pm every Friday before OCF. (R3)

Weekly Prayer
Weekly prayer is on every Wednesday (tomorrow!!!) from 1-2 pm in one of the piano rooms. Do come and join us in prayer if you can make it =) If even for just a short while.

E-Night 2009
Woo! Who else is excited about E-Night?? I've got my hands waving about in the air frantically! E-Night's only 1 mth away guys, and the committee needs all the help they can get. Interested? Speak to any one of the E-Night comm members to see how you can do your bit! God has been faithful from the first E-Night ever held a few years back and every year, He continues to amaze us. Let us not forget that this is about Him, and let us not take His faithfulness for granted! Continue to keep E-Night in your prayers; that God's name may be glorified on that day =]

Alritey then! See you all on Friday and have a blessed remainder of the week!!


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