Tuesday, June 09, 2009

It's Swot Vac, have a Big Mac!

Hey beloved friends,

How good was it to gather together for our final time last Friday?! =) we hope that God has empowered you to face the next 20 days of studying and exams. but like we shared, exams come and go, but OCF does NOT go to sleep! we've got an eternal mission here! =)


Blessing Ministry at Matheson Library (5-7pm)
Monday : enCOR & Gila-gila Galatians
Tuesday : Cocopops & The Onion Titans
Wednesday : StarPHIsh & Hippie Ephes

How does making coffee create a loving IMPACT? Well when Christ comes again, the righteous will answer him, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?" ... The King will reply "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matt 25:40.
*Also, coffee-making skills is a PLUS++ in life, boys and girls! =)

Exam Prayer at Narthex every morning (9.30 - 10.30)
Let's start our day the right way! An hour in God's presence will do wonders for your other 10 hours of studying. Each one of us, let's devote this time to Him, saying "God, come what may, i'm here at 9.30 every morning to meet with You, come and meet with me." So see you there, you'll be blessed! =)

Home groups on Fridays
Your cell group leaders will update you on what's going on! So go, enjoy and relax with each other! =)


Winter Camp Registration - still OPEN!
Don't miss out, sign up for Winter Camp now! If you're coming, bring a friend along! That friend you brought to FOF? Let's continue to reach out to them in love. When you sign up, you're saying YES to an awesome time of experiencing God, enjoying each other and having abundant good food! =)

Mission Trip FIRST Get-together this Wednesday
For those of you who are going for the Darwin Mission Trip (or interested to), we're having dinner at Chee Kai's place this Wednesday at 7pm. A representative from the organising team will be coming to share more details on the mission trip and to answer any questions. EVERYONE is welcome! Do msg Bernard or myself to confirm, so that we can arrange the food and transport for you!

Be encouraged guys, that even during our busy exam period, God is still moving, still loving, still comforting. So let's continue living as sons and daughters of the King, having hands full of dreams and hearts full of God! Take care, and check out our law of energy :

Power x Time = Energy
Big Mac x Swot Vac = IMPACT!

so yes, it's Swot Vac, but have a Big Mac and continue to make an IMPACT! *don't laugh!* =)

Stay awesome for our awesome God,
Ivie =)

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