Hope the summer hols are finding you still standing and not melting in the heat!
You guys remember Sheen Li right? She's leaving Melbourne for good in a few days time :( Did you all read her testimonial in the Thanksgiving booklet? It was good stuff right! She's got another testimony to share:
I had only a day to prepare for my last exam paper and was so stressed that I thought of giving up and retaking it the next semester. However that night I asked some of the exam "prayer warriors" to pray for me. Among all my papers, I prepared the least for this, but scored the highest for it! Thank God for His gracious provision of a paper that I could do, such a result, and being there for me when I needed Him most!
See, God works in our life. And God works through prayer!
You know just the other day on the train in Singapore looking out the window, I thought – God, to thank You with my life. Or it'd be no thanks at all!
God,my God.
My prayer-answering God,
my strength,
my joy,
my peace,
my reward.
Good grades, bad grades,
seemingly good seasons, seemingly bad seasons; all seasons –
still, a sovereign God who has all things in His hands – He's still in control.
A personal God. A real God. My God.
Who is this God/"God", to me?
Be it play, work, catching up with friends, reading a book, talking to Him, soccer, honouring our parents, anything – it all can be a worship unto Him. Shall we choose to make our lives a worship unto Him, then?
Stay happies everyone!
In His love which makes us happies,
Faith! (: