Monday, November 16, 2009

Dear God... (Thanksgiving + Prayer)

Dear God, thank You for being so faithful! For being our provider and guide, for seeing us through the past year. Thank You for watching over each and every one of us, helping us get through this year and the exams! Thank You for your grace, for without which, we would not be where we are today. Amen!

Yes everyone! Thanksgivings are in order! How can we not celebrate the goodness of God together this Friday (20 Nov)! We'll be at the Elwood Beach House, 6 - 10pm. It costs only $50 (consider the good food, great view – go earlier to walk the beach – and awesome company); register with your cell leaders by Wed! It's the one last time this year together as OCF Clayton before everyone goes wherever; unity and love! So c'mon everyone! Eh. Don't regret not coming ah.

Also. Prayer! It's been good to see some familiar faces most mornings (: Let's all come together to pray for the remaining few who have exams, and also have good fellowship with God and friends. If you can't make it, let's try to make it for at least Thursday's – the last one of the year. 9.30am, Narthex room at religious center.

You know why we pray? Well there are a whole host of reasons. But there's just one I learnt recently – we pray because God wants us to. Because He wants to fellowship with us. Now how cool is that. GOD wants to fellowship with us! (:

So okiedokes, see you soon peoples!
In His higher-that-the-heavens and deeper-than-the-oceans, always for you love,
Faith! (:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Hello awesome People!!

Gasps It's getting REALLY HOT!!.. Sun-burn anyone?? Non-stop Perspiring? Haha well stop all the complaining and start thanking God for the SUN!:D (Haha I know its hard not saying "It's so hot!!" but we can always try. haha)

And Fiuh..! Exams finally OVER! Well, okay at least for some of us.. Well done guys! You've finally made it.. You're finally free from studying! ( well at least for the next three months ) Enjoy it while you can.. :p

As for those who are still in the midst of it, HANG IN THERE!! Cheer UP!! Don'T SLaCK & STaY STRoNG!! You're getting there.. It'll be over real soon... Real soon...

Brief Updates for this week:

Prayer; Weekdays 9.30am @ Narthex, Religious Center

Hey people, I know its kinda early for some of you but it is worth sacrificing a little of your sleep to come for prayer. For the past two weeks, we have experienced a great time getting together, supporting one another in prayer and just soaking in God's presence before brunching and mugging in the library for the rest of the day.. So yeah, do come and join us! At least once a week?? :)

Thanksgiving; 20 Nov 2009 night @ Elwood beach

$50 only! Sign up with your cell leaders today!
It is time to start planning and hunting your "costumes and attires" for the night! What a great excuse to go shopping eh.. :D
Also, don't forget about the respective presentation that each group is required to perform on that night! Start brainstorming..

Ps: For those who are still contemplating on whether to go for it or not, stop wasting your time contemplating and stop being so fickle minded.. Just go for it! :P

Homecell; Friday

I trust that you guys have enjoyed last Friday with your respective cells despite the exam period.. More updates about this Friday from your cell leaders. Do take the opportunity to invite your friends along and share the love of God!

And Yeap! I guess that's all for the announcements that we have for this week..

Before I sign off, just wanna encourage you guys with this verse:

Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding,
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight

Some of you guys may have had a tough week, some of you a smooth - sailing week, some of you may be having big decisions to make as the year-end approaches and well some of you are probably still oblivious to what you'll be doing during the holidays....But all in all guys, just as the verse says in Proverbs, have faith and trust in the Lord! Whatever that your heart is desiring for, surrender it to the Lord, trust in him that He will take care of it, and continue praying and believing that it will take place some day, some time.. For the Word of God also states in

Matthew 21:22 - If you believe, You will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Amen!

As for now, take care and God bless Ya!!
